Thursday 16 December 2010

Interview for double page spread

 Beth, all of us here at Beat are happy to see you back. How are you finding the return to fame? Aww thank you, it's lovely to be back and I have found that fame never really left me so I'm just re-adjusting really.
So in your new book 'Beth's back & all grown up' what can we expect to read?
Well it is basically my story through my eyes. I have written the whole book myself. I found it important to write to show how fame can effect young stars.
So do you believe fame effected you when entering the charts at a tiny age of 13?
I believe it had a massive impact on my life, I do believe it effected me however I'm not sure whether in a bad way. I do believe that I miss a childhood, however I gained so much from my chart success.
Once the book is out are we right to assume that a come back single will follow?
Well I have spent over a year working on my book so there hasn't been much time for music. However I am working with a team of talented producers to make a single which I believe will be out for the summer. I don't want to rush my music I just want to get it right this time.
So what can we expect from the all grown up Beth?
Well I think people need to remember that I'm still only 18 so I will still make mistakes when living my life. However I believe that one thing I have gained from been such a young person in the music business is learning how to keep my private life private.

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