Monday 7 March 2011

Feedback On Products.

Feedback from target audience:
Leanne: Masthead works well as it is large and bold standing out on the page which will be good for attracting buyers when the magazine is sold.
Charl: The colours are bright and bold which I believe fits well with your indie theme. The splash has great benefits from the orange included as it shows that the story has importance.
Charl U: I love how the background fits around the model as if the spot is shining upon her. I also like how other stories over lap the the model but in a subtle way so there is not to big of a distraction from the main story.
Beth:  The magazine has developed over your coursework and clear changes have been made to such things as tour front cover. The key feature which I find most appealing as a member of your target audience is the range of colours you have used.
Jason:  The magazine is very appealing, however I believe that the cover may be more appealing to women rather than males. I would still read the magazine due to the history of the music involved.
Rosie:  The overall magazine appeals to me and the cover story would grab my attention. 

Leanne:  I like how your masthead font is continued through to the contents page, it allows your magazine to look consistent.  
Charl: I found pages in the magazine easy to find due to the breakdown in your contents and the colour scheme works as well on the contents as the front cover.
Charl U: A key feature which stood out to me was the bold page numbers which were also labelled on the front cover, this was really effective. 
Beth: I love the unique picture on your contents this works really well. 
Jason: I like how you have carried an image of the front cover through to the contents page.
Rosie: I like the overall layout of your contents page. A key feature which I do like on your page is the different choice of image. 
Leanne: I believe the most effective piece on this page is your title across the top of the page really appeals to me.
Charl: I love how you have enlarged quote it lets me have a sneak peak to the full story. 
Charl U: I like how you have two images instead of just one large image it breaks the page up.
Beth: I love how the page is split into two different colours allows the story and the image separate. 
Jason: I believe the page numbers are really effective and stand out clearly.
Rosie:  Love the arrow pointing out the continued story. And the separating of the text makes the story really easy to read. 

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