Wednesday 3 November 2010

Updates on Coursework!

Over the past two lessons I have completed my research for my music magazine, which has aloud me to see what I need and don't need in order to make a successful magazine. It has also aloud me to review in detail successful magazines also available and what I could to vary myself from the slightly. I have also began to start my own music magazine. The first piece I have started is to generate magazine name ideas, I have then got around 8 people from my target  audience to vote to see which magazine name would gain the most success. From this my magazine name will be generated. After completing this I have moved on to research which fonts I would like to use, what key features  they need and which my target audience believe are best. From this is will allow me to then have my magazine name and font for this magazine name, which will then have the basis for my masthead.

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