Tuesday 30 November 2010

Front cover ideas & updates.

Over the two lessons today, I have been generated layout designs for my front cover, this is to gain a brief idea of whether my magazine will look right or not. It will also allow me to make sure all key features are on my front cover. I have also been thinking what I want on my front cover and have gathered my first initial photos. I believe with my magazine been a indie magazine then I need to have an upcoming or very well known artist on the front cover with the  main double page spread in order to attract my target audience. I will also need to include what is coming up in the magazine to add some little tasters of what's coming to attract people even more. I have chosen a colour scheme of purple, grey and black, I have chosen this as I think these colours link well to my theme and would work well on a front cover. I have also been thinking how much I will charge for my magazine and I believe a price which worked well and seemed affordable was £2.50. 

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