When looking back over my contents page I believe that the page was too over crowded so then I decided to re think my layout and try some new formats to try and solve the problem.
When first rearranging I thought by breaking down the content of the magazine it may break the block colour allowing there to be a better flow. However I believe that this did not work successfully as moving the text around meant that writing was over lapping the image which then made writing hard to read. I also believe that it made the bottom half of the page looked even more cramped than before, so therefore change this did not have an over all success.
With this image I decided to move the title of the page and place it along the left hand side, I believe this worked very successfully as it allowed more space to be freed to add content to. I decided to keep the image in the same place as I believe it allowed my magazine to have a slightly different look. I believe this contents page looks much better as it is not as cramped however I believe that I still need to adjust the text in the middle section still to make sure they are all in line and placed in the best place.
With this copy of my contents I decided to add the editors letter as I believe it was a key feature in my original contents page and now I had freed enough space for it to be placed. However one issue I believe with placing this in meant that all text under neither looked out of line so this is something I would have to re-arrange but I did like the general out line of the contents.
On this layout I decided to move the placement of the image. I did this so the writing could be read easier as the purple text would now not over lap the dark image. I believe the placing of the contents page now worked much better and was much clearer to read. Also when placing the the image the models foot lays on the text of 'contents' which I believe interact with the magazine and really make her part of the page. With this layout I also placed the cover stories in the middle of the contents although this mixed the page numbers up I believe it worked well as it allowed the cover stories to re main the main attraction with in the contents page.
Finally I believe this will be my final contents page which I will take forward. However I want to gain feedback on this before making it my final copy of the contents page.