Tuesday, 8 March 2011


These are my three products with small changes undertaken such as a slight change in font to make reading clearer or punctuation changes. I made changes to the font after receiving feedback from my target audience saying the font was to bold to read clearly, or to stand out in a shop. Also when my targeting audience were looking over my three products mistakes were picked up which would need changing before my magazine was realsed to the public.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Feedback On Products.

Feedback from target audience:
Leanne: Masthead works well as it is large and bold standing out on the page which will be good for attracting buyers when the magazine is sold.
Charl: The colours are bright and bold which I believe fits well with your indie theme. The splash has great benefits from the orange included as it shows that the story has importance.
Charl U: I love how the background fits around the model as if the spot is shining upon her. I also like how other stories over lap the the model but in a subtle way so there is not to big of a distraction from the main story.
Beth:  The magazine has developed over your coursework and clear changes have been made to such things as tour front cover. The key feature which I find most appealing as a member of your target audience is the range of colours you have used.
Jason:  The magazine is very appealing, however I believe that the cover may be more appealing to women rather than males. I would still read the magazine due to the history of the music involved.
Rosie:  The overall magazine appeals to me and the cover story would grab my attention. 

Leanne:  I like how your masthead font is continued through to the contents page, it allows your magazine to look consistent.  
Charl: I found pages in the magazine easy to find due to the breakdown in your contents and the colour scheme works as well on the contents as the front cover.
Charl U: A key feature which stood out to me was the bold page numbers which were also labelled on the front cover, this was really effective. 
Beth: I love the unique picture on your contents this works really well. 
Jason: I like how you have carried an image of the front cover through to the contents page.
Rosie: I like the overall layout of your contents page. A key feature which I do like on your page is the different choice of image. 
Leanne: I believe the most effective piece on this page is your title across the top of the page really appeals to me.
Charl: I love how you have enlarged quote it lets me have a sneak peak to the full story. 
Charl U: I like how you have two images instead of just one large image it breaks the page up.
Beth: I love how the page is split into two different colours allows the story and the image separate. 
Jason: I believe the page numbers are really effective and stand out clearly.
Rosie:  Love the arrow pointing out the continued story. And the separating of the text makes the story really easy to read. 

Thursday, 3 March 2011


Front cover
I have made a few changes to my front cover in order to make the magazine look professional. First of all I added a faded effect to the block background this was to break down the block colour. By having a lighter colour in the centre it also allows focus to be added on the cover  shot. I also decided to add more variation of colour this is so the purple theme of the magazine does not become bland and boring.

Contents Page
With my contents page I have once again changed the background colour in order to break up block colours. I have also made the text smaller in order to make the magazine look more realistic, I also decided to break my contents up into headings so pages are easier to find for readers. And a final feature I included was a image of my front cover which I then labeled up with page number so key pages are easy to find.
Double page spread
With my double page spread I believe my last attempts were really unprofessional with a lack of colours and a lot of open space. Another major issue was the size of the text and how it was unrealistic for a professional magazine. So therefore I made the size of my text smaller I also again introduced shades of orange to brighten up my magazine, this also allowed the magazine to look less bland. I also added page numbers as these were missing from other copies of my magazine.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Double page spread with adjustments

This is my double page spread with the adjustments made which I needed to do.

Re-think on double page spread

When looking over my double page spread and completing my evaluation I believe that my double page spread wasn't achieving it's full potential so therefore I decided to re think some elements and try to change my double page spread.

Rethink One
With this re-think my main aim was to break up the main aim was to break down some of my block colour as I believe this made the magazine look unprofessional. I also decided to break colours down with in titles and questions as well to give a slight variation when reading. I also decided that the way in which my last story was presented was very unprofessional and did not read well, so therefore I decided to break down the story into columns. However one problem I have found with this is my larger quotes look out of place in the story.
Rethink two
Once again with this double page spread I have tried to break down the block colour of black, however I believe that this may not be as effective on this page as the change of colour is in a direct and bold line. I believe that on my first rethink the line is on a slight slant and therefore is an easy break of colours to the line. I also believe that the title needs to be broken into different colours again in order to add an almost fun edge. However ever I believe having a different colour behind the story makes it easier to read and I believe that my larger quotes look more in place with this layout.  
So from looking at these I shall make my final few adjustments and then post my best double page spread.

Thursday, 27 January 2011


Over the past two lessons I have been working on improving my contents page layout and I am now going to start my evaluation on my completed products.

Contents page

When looking back over my contents page I believe that the page was too over crowded so then I decided to re think my layout and try some new formats to try and solve the problem.

When first rearranging I thought by breaking down the content of the magazine it may break the block colour allowing there to be a better flow. However I believe that this did not work successfully as moving the text around meant that writing was over lapping the image which then made writing hard to read. I also believe that it made the bottom half of the page looked even more cramped than before, so therefore change this did not have an over all success.

With this image I decided to move the title of the page and place it along the left hand side, I believe this worked very successfully as it allowed more space to be freed to add content to. I decided to keep the image in the same place as I believe it allowed my magazine to have a slightly different look. I believe this contents page looks much better as it is not as cramped however I believe that I still need to adjust the text in the middle section still to make sure they are all in line and placed in the best place.
With this copy of my contents I decided to add the editors letter as I believe it was a key feature in my original contents page and now I had freed enough space for it to be placed. However one issue I believe with placing this in meant that all text under neither looked out of line so this is something I would have to re-arrange but I did like the general out line of the contents.

On this layout I decided to move the placement of the image. I did this so the writing could be read easier as the purple text would now not over lap the dark image. I believe the placing of the contents page now worked much better and was much clearer to read. Also when placing the the image the models foot lays on the text of 'contents' which I believe interact with the magazine and really make her part of the page.  With this layout I also placed the cover stories in the middle of the contents although this mixed the page numbers up I believe it worked well as it allowed the cover stories to re main the main attraction with in the contents page.

Finally I believe this will be my final contents page which I will take forward. However I want to gain feedback on this before making it my final copy of the contents page.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Front page re - think.

After recieving comments on my front cover from my target audience I decided to review if it was working to it's best ablility. Once I had reviewed this I decided that some major things were not working with my magazine front cover. The major issue I found with my magazine front cover is that the image was not working aswell as it needed to. I needed my image to look attractive and appropratie to the target audience and I also need this image to draw the target audience into reading my magazine and buying it when it would be sold. So I believe the model and the set up of the shot was working well to attract my target audience, however the major probelm I found was that the model in my photo was not giving direct eye contact to the audience meaning alot of the emotion in the image was lost. I believe by this emiontion been lost it would be diffcult for this magazine to attract my target audience. So therefore I decided to change the cover shot used on my front cover. The second issue I found with my front cover was the fact that my front cover lacked detail which meant there may not be enough information to attract my target audience.

First change to front cover
This was the first draft used with my new cover shot. But as I found in the past the background staging of the photo was too dull and therefore drew away from the main focus of the cover shot (model). However I believe the general image worked much better as eye contact was made to the target audience from the model but the attuide I wanted to show was still shown by the model looking over the shoulder. So now I needed to address the problem of the background taking away from the model. So I decided to go back on my orignal layout and cut the model from the image and place it on a black background.

Second change to front cover

This is my front cover with the model cut out and more detail added. I believe that the colours stand out with better effect on the black background which is why I chose to go back with my original idea of a black background. I believe this is the most effective copy of my cover so therefore will be taking it forward.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Double Page Spread

First copy of double page spread

 Second Draft of double page spread