Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Front cover ideas & updates.

Over the two lessons today, I have been generated layout designs for my front cover, this is to gain a brief idea of whether my magazine will look right or not. It will also allow me to make sure all key features are on my front cover. I have also been thinking what I want on my front cover and have gathered my first initial photos. I believe with my magazine been a indie magazine then I need to have an upcoming or very well known artist on the front cover with the  main double page spread in order to attract my target audience. I will also need to include what is coming up in the magazine to add some little tasters of what's coming to attract people even more. I have chosen a colour scheme of purple, grey and black, I have chosen this as I think these colours link well to my theme and would work well on a front cover. I have also been thinking how much I will charge for my magazine and I believe a price which worked well and seemed affordable was £2.50. 

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Page Layout Update

Over the last two lessons I have been creating possible magazine layouts and anaylising what key features work and don't work.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Colour schemes!

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:


Check out this SlideShare Presentation: This presentation is showing my first intial font ideas.
View more documents from Green1406.
During this lesson I have been preparing more colour schemes to look at and see which will work best for my magazine. I have also made judgements of the colour schemes on a presentation and will be posted on slide share shortly.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Colour schemes

Colour Schemes

Over the course of this lesson I have been using a website called: www.colorschemedesigner.com. I used this website to generate possible colour schemes I may wish to use for my magazine. I have chosen a selection of colour schemes and added them to a PowerPoint which I will then look through and analyse which colour scheme will suit the magazine best.

Here is a print screen of the website I have been using.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Coursework - Fonts

Over the course of this lesson I have typed up all fonts that I may wish to use. I have also typed them up with my magazines name of 'Beat!' to get a clear view of which font will work best. I have printed the two typed copies off. I will then survey my target audience on which font they are first drawn to and which font suits my name best. And from these I will tally the results and review next lesson in order to gather the font I will be using for my magazine name (masthead). After completing this I will then move on to looking and choosing my colour scheme for my magazine.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Updates on Coursework!

Over the past two lessons I have completed my research for my music magazine, which has aloud me to see what I need and don't need in order to make a successful magazine. It has also aloud me to review in detail successful magazines also available and what I could to vary myself from the slightly. I have also began to start my own music magazine. The first piece I have started is to generate magazine name ideas, I have then got around 8 people from my target  audience to vote to see which magazine name would gain the most success. From this my magazine name will be generated. After completing this I have moved on to research which fonts I would like to use, what key features  they need and which my target audience believe are best. From this is will allow me to then have my magazine name and font for this magazine name, which will then have the basis for my masthead.